Bespoke Crew is a certified MLC 2006 compliant recruitment and placement agency by the UK Maritime & Coastguard.
The following agreement has been produced to advise, guide and protect our candidates through a potential employment process. We ask our candidates to carefully read the link provided of the example of a Seafarers employment agreement.
This agreement encompasses (as far as possible) the yachts obligations to you under MLC 2006. As there is no standard agreement, this provides an adequate representational example.
SEA’s are required to follow the present relevant national laws and regulations, including any Collective Bargaining Agreement that may apply. Together they should meet the minimum standards of MLC.
MLC provides the candidate with the requisite time to study the content before and after signing an SEA with the client. The candidate will then receive a copy of the document.
Additional advice as recorded below. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with this information prior to, or at the interview.
* You should be satisfied that all sections of the SEA are duly completed and acceptable to you.
* Where a yacht flies the flag of a country which has not proved MLC or does not comply with MLC, you should satisfy yourself that you are content with the SEA they currently offer. Click here to view the flag states that have demonstrated MLC 2006
* Although Bespoke Crew will try to ensure as far as possible, that the client/employee Is financially capable of fulfilling his obligations to you. You should also try to satisfy yourself that this is the case, and that the client can also provide you with adequate personal insurance cover for the duration of your employment.
* If the client does not provide cover and you still wish to accept employment, Bespoke Crew will identify a recognised Industry Insurance provider for you. However, Bespoke Crew do not recommend service providers and do not accept any fault resulting in their services to you.
Candidates should not be the subject of exploitation by Bespoke Crew or its Clients.
* Before, during and after the process of registration, through to placement, there will be no charges directly, or hidden to the candidate from Bespoke Crew.
* Bespoke Crew will provide assistance wherever possible to aid a crewmembers concerned family, with help, guidance or advice. But for reasons of personal data protection of said crewmember, he/she must firstly obtain permissions to verify relationship credibility. Therefore, it is imperative that candidates maintain up-to-date records and contact details within their personal data for the use of Bespoke Crew.
* Persons of less than 16 years of age must not seek employment on a yacht, and therefore it is illegal to employ such a person. A chef must be 18 years of age and above to be employed in this industry. Bespoke Crew will therefore not put forward such candidates to our clients.
* Should a grievance or complaint arise whilst employed on a yacht following a placement by Bespoke Crew, the crewmember is advised to follow the complaints procedure outlined onboard the yacht. The crewmember may contact the MCA at any time, either or by post to: 105 Commercial Road, Southampton, SO15 1EG
Should any grievance or complaint arise concerning Bespoke Crew during the employment process, please follow procedure below.
* Within 14 days of an incident coming to the attention of the Client or Crewmember, a complaint should normally be made. There is an extension of time for the complaint if a viable reason is given. Bespoke Crew will aim to respond within a further 14 days.
* Seafarers and Clients may make a complaint in writing, by email or verbally. Please see our ‘Contact Us’ page.
* If a complaint is made by a Client or Seafarer verbally, a record will be made, and a copy provided to the Client or Seafarer in question. If the complaint remains unresolved, Bespoke Crew will bring it to the attention of the Flag State.
* Bespoke Crew prohibits the use of means by which blacklists or mechanisms that intend to deter or prevent qualified seafarers gaining employment.
* Details of Bespoke Crew’s emergency contact details will be found on the ‘Contact Us’ page of our website. specifically contact numbers.
* Bespoke Crew will not discriminate and welcomes applications from all individuals.
Bespoke Crew are contracted and will provide suitably qualified Crew for our Clients.
In ticking (signing) this document, you are assuring the information you are providing is a true and accurate representation of your training, qualifications, experience and Marine Medical Status.
May Bespoke Crew please request continued updates on candidates/crew current certification’s and Medical compliance.
If Bespoke Crew provide employment for candidates, we respectfully request that the successful candidate provide employers with qualifications awarded prior to joining the industry. Industry certifications of training, and necessary medical documents.
Please include any additional relevant documents, and paperwork your employer may reasonably request.