At Bespoke Crew we pride ourselves on our crew friendly policies. We aim to provide crew with an open transparent service that supports both our clients and the crew we introduce. If you feel we have fallen short of these high standards then please be assured that we will take your concerns seriously.
If you have a complaint about Bespoke Crew registered No 12985392 please forward your complaint to: Address: 10 Avon Wharf, Bridge Street, Christchurch, BH23 1DJ.
Alternatively, you can e-mail or call +44 1202 069 663 outlining your concerns.
On receipt of your complaint:
If you are dissatisfied about any aspect of the way in which your data is processed you may, in the first instance refer the matter to: This does not affect your right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office:
On board complaints procedure under the MLC all seafarers have a right to decent working and living conditions board a ship, fair terms of employment and a safe and secure workplace.
If you have a complaint about your boat please bring it to the attention of your supervisor within 5 days. If the supervisor cannot solve the complaint, you may refer the complaint to the captain. If the compliant cannot be resolved on board within 10 days you may refer the matter to a Designated Person Ashore.
Try to resolve a complaint at the lowest level possible.
On shore complaints procedure
If any investigations into the complaint, the authorised officer should pass it over to the ships master or the shipowner to allow a proper opportunity to make their views known.